Conference Notes

2023WiSe MSJ Spring Meeting 2024
Masaaki Ue - Constraints on intersection forms of 4-manifolds with given boundary in terms of Gauge theoretical invariants
Alexander Polishchuk - Schwartz spaces associated with the stack of rank 2 bundles on a curve over a local field
Amnon Neeman - Excellent metrics on triangulated categories
Anna Wienhard - A beautiful world beyond hyperbolic geometry Anosov representations and higher Teichmüller spaces
Bertrand Remy - Wave equations on affine buildings and application to entropy lower bounds
Damiano Rossi - The Brown complex of a finite reductve group
Dipendra Prasad - Homological aspects of the branching problem GGP for p-adics
Edgar Assing - On the unipotent mixing conjecture
Efim Zelmanov - Superconformal algebras
Emanuele Macri - Hyper-Kähler manifolds and Lagrangian fibrations
Gunter Malle - Modular representations of finite reductive groups
Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory
Ismael Morales - L2-homology and fixed points of automorphisms of free groups
Johannes Kellendonk - Semigroup methods in aperiodic order theory
Luis Paris - Artin groups of type Dn
Maria Cumplido - Retractions to parabolic subgroups in Artin groups beyond the even case
Maryna Viazovska - Random lattices with symmetries
Sebastian Bischof - Groups of Kac-Moody type over F2
Sira Busch - Projectivity Groups of Spherical Buildings
Stephan Witzel - Arithmetic groups and their relatives
Andras Juhasz - The unknotting number, hard unknot diagrams and reinforcement learning
Hajime Kubota - Grid Homology and the connected sum of knots
Intelligence of Low-Dimensional Topology 2024
Jun Murakami - On complexified tetrahedron for double twist knots
Keisuke Himeno - Hyperbolic knots whose Upsilon invariants are complex
Kodai Wada - The orbit classification of Zm by the m-braid group
Mai Katada - The first homology of the IA-automorphism groups of free groups with coefficients in spaces of Jacobi diagrams
Naoki Kimura - Classical invariants and rack coloring invariants of Legendrian knots
Problem session
Renaud Detcherry - On the volume conjecture for Turaev-Viro invariants of 3-manifolds
Sebastian Baader - Minimal topological cobordisms between torus links and 2-strand torus links
Escolar - On interval covers and resolutions of persistence modules
Giuliamaria Menara - Eulerian magnitude homology introduction and application to random graphs
Leinster - Magnitude homology equivalence of Euclidean sets (Joint work with Adrián Doña Mateo)
Leinster - The many faces of magnitude
Magnitude 2023
Meckes - A direct proof for the positive definiteness of four point metric spaces
O’Hara - Residues of manifolds
Richard Hepworth - Bigraded path homology
Roff - Iterated Magnitude homology
Takatsu - Geometry of sliced-disintegrated Monge—Kantorovich metrics
Tsubasa Kamiyama - Metric fibrations over one-dimensional base spaces are trivial
Tsukamoto - Introduction to mean dimension
Yoshinaga - Magnitude homotopy type
Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda - On the freeness problem for parabolic subgroups of the sepcial linear group
Erika Kuno - Automorphisms of fine curve graphs for nonorientable surfaces
Gyo Taek Jim
Honghao Gao - Legendrian Knots and Lagrangian fillings
Jung Hoon Lee - Primitive curve complex for a handlebody
Katsumi Ishikawa - The trapezoidal conjecture for links of braid index 3
Kyungbae Park - The Alexander
Noriyuki Hamada - Exotic 4-manifolds with signature zero
Seungwon Kim - Knotted handlebody links in the 4-sphere
The 19th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology
Wonjun Chang - The generalized Harer conjecture for the homology triviality