A very general Metrischer Raum is hyperbolic if all geodesic triangles have a diameter of less then some constant .
Let be a Metrischer Raum mit Pfadmetrik. It is said to be -hyperbolic if for any three Geodesic arcs in forming a geodesic triangle we have be contained completely in the -neighbourhood of .
There is another definition using the groov product which does not require path metric spaces.
Note, that hyperbolicity does not mean that the group has hyperbolic growth. is a simple example.
Morse Lemma
See Morse lemma
Quasigeodesity is local
For every there is a universial constant such that every map which restricts on each segment of length to a -quasigeodesic is globally -quasigeodesic.
The last theorem state that every curve which is a local geodesic also is a global geodesic (if you include more tolerance).
Free groups
Free groups are hyperbolic
Fundamental groups of hyperbolic manifolds
Fundamental group of manifolds with Euler characteristic are hyperbolic
Random groups
A group on a finite generating set with a “random” set of relations with a suitable probability is hyperbolic with probability .
Those are some counter-intuitive non-examples
- Amenable Group
- for
- Fundamental groups of cusped hyperbolic manifolds of dimension