The total derivative is the natural generalisation of a function derivative to a function derivative. It preserves all interesting properties of a differentiable function. For example it is continuous.
Let open and . is totally differentiable in if there exists a linear map and an error term such that The last condition means that the error is less-than-linear. The differential is usually denoted by and given by a matrix which is calculated as follows Where the entries are given by Partial derivative along the coordinate axes.
This is kind similar to what we do with Tangentialraum and derivatives. There too, we have a linear map from one tangent space to another. We understand the derivative as a Tensor that takes in a vector and returns another vector. If we take total derivatives the result will become a tensor that takes in vector and returns a -vector tensor.
Characterisation by Schwarz
Let open and . If the -th partial derivatives of exist and if those are continuous then is a -times totally differentiable map and (for ) we have