
This generalises the Properly discontinuous action. If a group acts WPD on a space, then it has a non-trivial Coarse quasi-homomorphism space.

The general idea is something about having two axis of hyperbolic elements which are translates of one another and stay mostly parallel to one-another where one is oriented in the opposite way. This property should be juxtaposted with what happens with axes in free groups (imagine a free Fuchsian group). Here, the translate of an axis is another axis, which points in the same direction and strongly curves away from the first.


Let be a group acting simplicially on a -hyperbolic complex . The action of an element is called weakly properly discontinuous if for every and every there is a constant surch that the set of elements for which is finite.

This is kind of tricky to understand. We try to construct an example which is not WPD. For that we need infinitely many which fulfil both equations. The first equation tells us, that we should choose a group with the following properties. There is an and a ball around with a radius . And there are infinitely many which lie in the ball (possibly some finite fixed points as well). Now we apply the action of on the right of all points . This has the effect of moving them along the axis of and all other axes . Meanwhile we move the ball without changing its radius. If for all the ball has infinitely many elements inside, the action is not weakly properly discontinuous.

Wow, this sound like a pretty strong property.



