Ideals are a generalisation of numbers. They have been introduced to be a replacement for unique prime factor decomposition in Nicht-faktoriellen Ringen. For example, in , the number has two decomposition into Irreduzibles Element: However, if you combine two numbers into an ideal , then the decomposition of the ideal is unique. I think…
They are the analogue of the Normal subgroup in group theory, as their definition is similar and they allow Faktorstrukturen.
Let be a possibly Noncommutative Ring. An Ideal in is a subset fulflilling
- Für alle und gilt und
If is a Commutative Ring, then the Left ideal, right ideal and two-sided ideal is the same.
Genereating of new ideals
- The possibly infinite intersection of ideals is an ideal.
- The Sum of two ideals is an ideal
- The Produktideal is an ideal
Characterisation of Subsets
There are some possible characterisations of subideals
- holds i.f.f.
- If where , then is the gcd of and
- If where , then is a gcd of and
In a Principal Ideal Domain the inversions of ii und iii hold as well.[^1]
The correspondence theorem states that image and preimage of ideals under Ring homomorphism are ideals as well. And their subset-ordering is preserved.
Correspondence theorem
Let be a Ring, an ideal and the canonical epimorphism. Let be the set of ideals of and the set of ideals bigger then , i.e. . The following holds:
- The mappings and are bijective
- For all ideals we have
Siehe Two-sided Principal ideal
Trivial Ideal
In every Commutative Ring the Zero ideal is the smalles and the unit ideal the biggest Ideal.