
The generated subring is the smallest extension of a ring by some number. It is used to easily generate interesting examples of rings or it is used heavily in Galois theory.


Let be a Ring extension and be a subset. Then there is a unique Subring of fulfilling the following properties:

  1. It contains and :
  2. It is the smallest possible subring: If is another subring of fulfilling , then

The elements are seen to be taken out a “context” .

Notation: If consists of one element, we often drop the parentheses.


Explicit description of elements

Let be a Ring extension and . The elements in may be described as follows: i.e. they are polynomials in .


Quadratic extensions

Gaussian numbers

The Gausssian numbers are an important ring. They are given by

Eisenstein numbers

The Eisenstein numbers are given by . They are interesting as they form a triangular lattice.