
The method of Lagrange multipliers is a way of finding optimal solution which also need to fulfill certain equations. Apparently, this is often used in physics.


Let and be a function where we want to find a maximal point. We also want the solution to fulfill a set of equations written as functions . Let . If the gradients of all conditions are linearly independent, then the following theorem holds:

Let be a locally maximal value. Then there are numbers , called Lagrange multipliers such that

The idea is extremely well explained in the German Wikipedia. It can be shown that is a Untermannigfaltigkeit von R of dimension . is the manifold which is perpendicular to all gradients of . A solution on is maximal if and only if is tangent to the level sets of . This is the case if the gradient of is perpendicular to or if it can be written as a linear combination of the gradients of .



