
Similarly to the Ideal boundary (Hyperbolic space), we can move out into the horizon on the Cayley-Graph and get an ideal boundary that way. This is a generalisation of the Limit set of a Fuchsian group.

Definition (Ideal boundary for groups)

Let be a finitely generated group with generating set and Cayley-Graph . The ideal boundary of is defined as the ideal boundary of . The ideal boundary does not depend on the choice of generators.


Extends to continuous maps

Any quasi-isometric embedding between hyperbolic spaces induces a continuous map


The action of in the Cayley graph by left-multiplication induces an action on the ideal boundary. Depending on how an element acts on the ideal boundary, it is classified into one of three types:

  • Elliptic group element: The action on the ideal boundary is finite-order
  • Hyperbolic group element: The action fixes two points on the ideal boundary. On is repelling and another is attracting
  • What happened to the parabolic element? According to Calegari it doesn’t exist


Limit sets of Fuchsian groups

It is known that the Dirichlet region can be identified with the Cayley-Graph. This immediately tells us that the ideal boundary is the Limit set. (Which can be of one of two types)