If we look at a Transverse veering triangulation and its Upper and lower train tracks, then they form a graph in a manifold. We imagine this graph being the skeleton of a pair of branched surfaces, the Upper and lower branched surface.
Let be an oriented -manifold equipped with a Transverse veering triangulation . Let be a Veering tetrahedron in . Looking at a tetrahedron from above the upper and lower train tracks might look as follows
Note that for the upper train track the lower side of a tetrahedron always has a Large branch whereas the upper side doesn’t. It is impossible for the upper side to have a large branch as the veering structure forbids two tetrahedron stacked on top of each other. It follows from the image (A) below, that the train tracks bound a quadrilinear and two triangles.
The two surfaces obtained this way are called the upper and lower branched surfaces in . The union over all gives us the upper and lower branched surfaces
"Valence" of the surface
We study . As we move from bottom two top, a sector splits into two sectors, every time we glue two sides. This means that every point in an edge is adjacent to sectors. Every vertex point is adjacent to sectors. The same applies for
Dual position
The upper branch can be moved into dual position by a small upward isotopy. If this is done¸ then every tetrahedron contains exactly one point and every face is pierced by exactly one branch locus. This reminds me of the proof with the charges.