
The homogeneous quasi-homomorphisms is how I call the quotient where each element is equivalent to a homogeneous Quasimorphism.


Let be a Discrete group and be the vector space of Quasimorphism. Let denote the set of quasi-homomorphisms which are bounded functions. The quotient Denotes the outer quasi-homomorphisms.


Exact sequence

There is an exact sequence where denotes the second bounded cohomology of .

From this we can follow that i.e. the outer quasi-homomorphisms are constructed out of the first cohomology and the second bounded homology. Similarly the second bounded cohomology is constructed out of the quasi-homomorphisms and the second cohomology. If I knew what bounded cohomology is, this could be much more useful.

Contravariance (I think, this is how it is called)

If is an epimorphism (i.e. a map into a strictly smaller group), then the induced maps are injective (i.e. a map into a strictly bigger group) From this follows that big groups have many outer quasi-homomorphisms.


Trivial and finite groups

It is known, that there are infinitely many quasi-homorphisms on trivial or finite groups. Furthermore the dimensionality is given by the order of the group. However if we divide out all bounded quasi-homomorphisms, the resulting space is just . Much closer to what we want!