
The marked mapping class group is a symbol used in lit_koberdaAsymptoticLinearityMapping2010 to denote a Mapping class group of a surface which fixes a point of the surface. Computationally it is equivalent to adding a puncture to the surface but conceptually it is used to give a mapping class group which acts on the non-free Fundamental group.


Let be a surface and a marked point. The marked mapping class group consists of the connected compontent of orientation preserving homeomorphisms fixing : The point is fixed by the isotopies as well.

Characerisation by Automorphisms

The marked mapping class group acts naturally and faithfully on the Fundamental group with base point . From this we deduce that the marked mapping class group can be identified with a subgroup of


Forgetting the base point

Let be a surface with marked point . By forgetting the base point we get a surjective map to the Mapping class group

